PRODUCT POSTER (2021) Product on display NT series sugarcane degradable products for New Tide iHome Co., Limited. Poster Design. 24x36 inch

PRODUCT POSTER (2021) Product on display NT series sugarcane degradable products for New Tide iHome Co., Limited. Poster Design. 24x36 inch

DROPMARK ANATOMY (2021) Dropmark is a cloud storage app maintained by Oak Studios. My assigned position is to maintain its design functionality. Prior to my onboarding, other completed design components from former designers were scattered in several directories. Disconnection and miscommunication often occur during reviews and meetings. As Oak’s current designer, I aim to resolve the issues by Figma’s functions: Variant, Prototyping and Adaptive Layouts.

DROPMARK ANATOMY (2021) Dropmark is a cloud storage app maintained by Oak Studios. My assigned position is to maintain its design functionality. Prior to my onboarding, other completed design components from former designers were scattered in several directories. Disconnection and miscommunication often occur during reviews and meetings. As Oak’s current designer, I aim to resolve the issues by Figma’s functions: Variant, Prototyping and Adaptive Layouts.

UNTITLED DISPLAY (2021) __ is a transitional serif display font. “Learn as I work”— was my initial idea when I began to work on this project. With no prior experience in typeface design, this work was intended to educate me in type. References including ATF Ronaldson, Caslon, Castoro, and many others from the Visual History of Type. Special thanks to my colleague, Daniel Gamage, for additional guidance. OTT, 243 common mac glyphs.

UNTITLED DISPLAY (2021) __ is a transitional serif display font. “Learn as I work”— was my initial idea when I began to work on this project. With no prior experience in typeface design, this work was intended to educate me in type. References including ATF Ronaldson, Caslon, Castoro, and many others from the Visual History of Type. Special thanks to my colleague, Daniel Gamage, for additional guidance. OTT, 243 common mac glyphs.

MECHANICAL RAGGING COMPONENT (2020) This site serves as a portfolio for Mechanical Ragging Component developed by Oak Studios. The ragging component modifies paragraphs to be balanced, following a long-short-long-short sequence. The outcome is an npm extension that trims odd or even lines of a paragraph on screen—A digital replica of Euro/Swiss typesetting. Extension free on public usage. Collaboration with Daniel Gamage, Mika Busante, under Oak Studios.

MECHANICAL RAGGING COMPONENT (2020) This site serves as a portfolio for Mechanical Ragging Component developed by Oak Studios. The ragging component modifies paragraphs to be balanced, following a long-short-long-short sequence. The outcome is an npm extension that trims odd or even lines of a paragraph on screen—A digital replica of Euro/Swiss typesetting. Extension free on public usage. Collaboration with Daniel Gamage, Mika Busante, under Oak Studios.

DESIGN DICTIONARY (2020) A design dictionary brings unfamiliarity of western design conception to Chinese designers, educators, and artists. The concept emerged from my friend and schoolmate, Felix Fu. Together with his team, Studio None, we collected design definitions from what we learned in school and transformed them into an editorial treasury. Collaboration with Studio None.

DESIGN DICTIONARY (2020) A design dictionary brings unfamiliarity of western design conception to Chinese designers, educators, and artists. The concept emerged from my friend and schoolmate, Felix Fu. Together with his team, Studio None, we collected design definitions from what we learned in school and transformed them into an editorial treasury. Collaboration with Studio None.

THE ELEMENT OF EUCLID (2020) The Elements of Euclid is a mathematical treatise consisting of 13 books attributed to the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid in Alexandria, Ptolemaic Egypt, c. 300 BC. It is a collection of definitions, postulates, propositions, and mathematical proofs of the propositions. In this revision, I redefined the connections between graphic diagrams and definitions using fundamental shapes. Miscellaneous project*

THE ELEMENT OF EUCLID (2020) The Elements of Euclid is a mathematical treatise consisting of 13 books attributed to the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid in Alexandria, Ptolemaic Egypt, c. 300 BC. It is a collection of definitions, postulates, propositions, and mathematical proofs of the propositions. In this revision, I redefined the connections between graphic diagrams and definitions using fundamental shapes. Miscellaneous project*